Dr. Sheng Kuan Chung

Dr. Sheng Kuan Chung


Title: Professor & Art Education Specializaton Lead

Department: Curriculum & Instruction

Program: Art Education

Office Number: 346 FH

Phone: 713-743-0947

Fax: 713-743-4990

Email: skchung@cougarnet.uh.edu


Dr. Sheng Kuan Chung graduated from the School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He has actively exhibited his artwork and has published over 60 academic articles in art education. Recently, he has received two national prestigious awards respectively from National Art Education Association and United States Society for Education through Art for his scholarship in art education. Additionally, he has served as an art judge for many Houston-based school art competitions, Texas Commission on the Arts, Fulbright Scholar Program, and Houston Arts Alliance, and on the editorial board for the Journal of the National Art Education Association and many other academic journals. Specifically, his art has been selected to juried exhibitions held at Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Dishman Art Museum, Conroe Art League, Assistance League of Houston, Archway Gallery, Lawndale Art Center, and The Arts Alliance Center at Clear Lake.

My research investigates the integration of emerging digital technologies and social justice frameworks in art education and visual culture, with a focus on creating inclusive, equitable, and transformative learning experiences in the post-pandemic landscape. My work also encompasses Asian aesthetics and gender/sexuality studies within art education/visual culture contexts.


Recent Publications:

Chung, S. K. (in progress). Art education for environment consciousness: A lesson intervention with AI. Arts and Communication [Refereed and invited article].

Chung, S. K. (in press). Exploring pleasure, ideology, and interplay in students' visual culture: A constructivist inquiry. International Journal of Arts Education.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (in press). Fostering intercultural understanding through the Chinese red envelope: Implementing culturally responsive pedagogy in diverse art classrooms. International Journal of Arts Education.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (in press). Social media as a teaching tool for art education. Advisory of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (in press). Community outreach art programs as service-learning for pre-service art teachers. Advisory of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2024). The impact of artificial intelligence on art education: A narrative review. International Journal of Arts Education, 22(1), 1-37.

Chung, S. K. (2023). Satire as a catalyst for creativity, critical thinking, and social awareness. International Journal of Arts Education, 21(2), 1-30.

Li, D., & Chung, S. K. (2023). Exploring Gender and Sexuality Issues in Visual Culture: A Case Study on Artivist Animations and Games. International Journal of Arts Education. 21(2), 31-84.

Chung, S. K., & Allen, A. (2023). Talking Back with the Work of Aram Han Sifuentes, Art Education. 76(6), 40-47.

Chung, S. K. (2023). Art education for social justice: A lesson on deconstructing oppression. International Journal of Arts Education, 21(1), 1-29.

Chung, S. K. (2023). Teaching critical media literacy. In M. Bae-Dimitriadis & O. Ivashkevich (Eds.), Teaching civic participation with digital media in art education: Critical approaches for classrooms and communities (pp. 88-101). The National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (2022). A Claymation Project for Integrated Art Learning. International Journal of Arts Education, 20(2), 1-45.

Chung S. K., & Li, D. (2022). Building Bitmoji art rooms amid the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Arts Education, 20(1), 1-40.

Chung S. K., & Li, D. (2021). Issues-Based STEAM Education: A Case Study in a Hong Kong Secondary School. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 19(2),1-44.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (2021). Pre-service art teachers’ perspectives on building virtual art gallery exhibitions. The International Journal of Arts Education, 19(1), 1-46.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (2020). Social reconstructionist art education: Exploring homeless issues with elementary students. The International Journal of Arts Education, 18(1), 86-110

Chung S. K., & Li, D. (2020). Socially engaged art education: Exploring issues of homelessness in an elementary art classroom. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 21(21). Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.26209/ijea21n21

Chung, S. K. (2020). Is art always political? ArtHouston, 11, 16-17.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (2019). Sexism in Hip-Hop Culture: Exploitation of Sexism by Graffiti Female Artists. The International Journal of Arts Education, 17(2), 44-82.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (2019). Examining the functionality and aesthetics of emojis. The International Journal of Arts Education, 17(1), 1-32.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (2019). Culturally responsive art education. Advisory of the National Art Education Association. (online journal, 4 pages).

Xian, X., & Chung, S. K. (2018). The American Drawing Books in the 19th Century: A Historical Inquiry. The International Journal of Arts Education, 16(2), 97-124.

Chung, S. K. (2018). Art education from the street to the classroom. The International Journal of Arts Education, 16(2), 1-21.

Chung, S. K. (2018). Critical cybermedia literacy in art education. The International Journal of Arts Education, 16(1), 1-30.

Chung, S. K. (2018). Approaches to teaching critical visual literacy. NAEA Advisory of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (2018). Art education within funding limitations. NAEA Advisory of the National Art Education Association.

Li, D., & Chung, S. K. (2018). Digital learning tools for art teachers. NAEA Advisory of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K., & Brown, K. (2018). The Washed Ashore Project: Saving the ocean through art. Art Education, the Journal of the National Art Education Association, 71(2), 54-58.

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (2017). Art in daily living: The playful work of Tin Yan Wong. Art Education. National Art Education Association. [3100 words]

Chung, S. K., & Li, D. (2017). An artistic and spiritual exploration of Chinese joss paper. Art Education. National Art Education Association. [4500 words]

Chung, S. K. & Li, D. (2016/2017). Inclusive art education: Classroom intervention on teaching students with special needs. Advisory of the National Art Education Association.

Brown, K., & Chung, S. K. (2016). Art up close: Maximizing the museum field trip. Advisory of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2014). Looking at art teaching through Zen aesthetics. Visual Arts Research.

Chung, S. K. (2013). Critical visual literacy. The International Journal of Arts Education.

Chung, S. K. (2012). A Picture Tells a Thousand Stories: Using Staged Photography to Promote Dialogue on Social Issues in an Art Education Classroom. The International Journal of Arts Education.

Chung, S. K. (Ed.) (2012). Teaching Asian art: Content, context, and pedagogy. Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2012). Children’s playdolls as pedagogical sites for art education. In P. E. Bolin & D. Blandy (Eds.), Matter matters: Art education and material culture studies. Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K., & Ortiz, C. (2011). Art education in action on the street. The Journal of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2011). Cybermedia literacy art education. In Robert Sweeny (Ed.), Digital Visual Culture: Intersections and Interactions in 21st Century Art Education. Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2010). Aesthetics of confrontation: From the street to the classroom. In Dennis Fehr and Mary Fehr (Eds.), Teach Boldly.

Lee, M., & Chung, S. K. (2009). A semiotic reading and discourse analysis of postmodern street performance. Studies in Art Education, USA.

Chung, S. K. (2009).Art Education and Cybermedia Spectacles in the Age of Globalization. In Alice Arnold, Ann Kuo, Elizabeth Delacruz, and Michael Parsons (Eds.), G.L.O.B.A.L.I.Z.A.T.I.O.N, Art, and Education.

Chung, S. K. (2009). An art of resistance, from the street to the classroom. The Journal of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2009). Presenting cultural artifacts in the art museum: A university-museum collaboration. The Journal of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2009). Logos deconstruction and culture jamming. The 2009 International Education & Art Deign Symposium (in pp.11-20). Taiwan: College of Arts at Nanhua University.

Chung, S. K. (2009). Autobiographical portraits of four female adolescents: Implications for teaching critical visual culture. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 10(11). Retrieved [date] from http://www.ijea.org/v10n11

Chung, S. K.,& Kirby, M. (2009). Media literacy art education: logos, cultural jamming and activism. The Journal of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K., & Ortiz, C. (2009). Teaching photography in the K-12 classroom setting. NAEA Advisory. The National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K., & Ortiz, C. (2008). Zooming in on nature: A Closer look at nature’s food chain. The Journal of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2008). An exploration of the issue of stereotyping in the artroom. Art Education. The National Art Education Association. Reston, Virginia.

Chung, S. K.; Ortiz, C. (Fall 2007). Teaching art on a limited budget. NAEA Advisory.

Chung, S. K. (2007). An exploration of media violence in a junior high art classroom. International Journal of Education Through Art. International Society for Education through Art.

Chung, S. K. (2007). Media Literacy Art Education: Deconstructing Stereotypes in the Media. The International Journal of Art & Design Education, UK.

Chung, S. K. (2007). Media/Visual Literacy Art Education: Sexism in Hip-Hop Music Videos. Art Education. The Journal of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2007). Art education technology: Digital storytelling. Art Education. The Journal of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2007). The path to spiritual enlightenment: Chi in brushwork practice [invited paper]. The Journal of the Sumi-e Society of America.

Chung, S. K. (2006). Young adolescents' imagery preferences in art appraisal. Research in Arts Education, 11, 53-72.

Chung, S. K. (2006). Aesthetic practice and spirituality: Chi in traditional East Asian brushwork. Art Education, 59 (4), 33-38. The Journal of the National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2006). Digital storytelling in integrated arts education. The International Journal of Arts Education. 4 (1), 33-63.

Chung, S. K. (2006). The challenges and promises of visual culture art education, in P. Duncum (Ed.), Visual Culture in the Art Class: Case Studies (pp. 109-116). The National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2006). Becoming a social reconstructionist art educator [chapter used as excerpts], in L. Beudert (author), Work, Pedagogy, and Change: Foundations for the Art Teacher Educator (pp.126-132). The National Art Education Association.

Chung, S. K. (2005). Media/visual literacy art education: Cigarette ad deconstruction. Art Education, 58 (3), 19-24. The Journal of the National Art Education Association.



M.A. in Art Education, New York University, 1999
Ph.D. in Art Education, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2004