Dr. Lyle McKinney

Dr. Lyle McKinney


Title: Professor

Department: Educational Leadership & Policy Studies

Program: Higher Education

Office Number: 481 FH

Phone: 713-743-1784

Email: llmckinn@cougarnet.uh.edu


Dr. Lyle McKinney is a Professor of Higher Education Leadership & Policy Studies and Faculty-in-Residence at the University of Houston (UH). He is the Co-Founder (2011) and Co-Director of the Education Research Lab-Houston, a longstanding research-practice partnership between the UH College of Education and the Houston Community College System. The Lab brings together an interdisciplinary team of scholars, practitioners, community leaders, and graduate students to improve student learning and success across the P-20 educational ecosystem in one of the largest, most racially diverse urban areas in the United States.

Dr. McKinney’s research focuses on innovative approaches to improving college affordability and degree completion among historically underserved student populations, particularly those who attend community colleges. As a U.S. Fulbright Specialist, he conducts collaborative research projects with faculty and administrators at Corporacion Universitaria Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO) in Bogotá, Colombia. UNIMINUTO, a private and progressive Catholic institution, is the largest university in the country serving around 110,000 predominantly low-income students across most of the Colombian territory. Dr. McKinney also holds affiliate research appointments with the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center on Ethics and Leadership at UH, and the Educational Disadvantage Centre at Dublin City University in Ireland.

Dr. McKinney earned his Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration, with a concentration in Educational Policy, from the University of Florida in 2010. Prior to pursuing his Ph.D., he directed a servant-leadership program and taught leadership courses at Andrew College, a two-year college in his home state of Georgia.

Courses Taught:

CUST 6370: Cultural Foundations of American Education
CUST 8378: Current Issues in Education
CUST 8375: The History and Philosophy of Higher Education
ELCS 6336: The Community College
ELCS 6338: American Higher Education
ELCS 6342: Critical Issues in Higher Education
ELCS 6380: Educational Policy and Planning
ELCS 6393: Internship in Educational Leadership
ELCS 7330: Administration of Higher Education
ELCS 7354: Leadership for Change
ELCS 8335: Adult Education
ELCS 8355: Policy, Politics, and Governance in Higher Education


Recent Publications:

Hernández S.H., McKinney, L., Burridge, A., & O’Brien, C. (In press). Validating classrooms: Teaching strategies to advance equity in developmental education. AERA Open.

Hernández, S.H., Burridge, A., McKinney, L., & Burnett, C.A. (2024, Online First). Bridging the corequisite divide: Lessons learned from a large, minority-serving community college. Community College Journal of Research & Practice.

Yu, H., McKinney, L., Burridge, A., & Hernández S.H. (2024). How first-year academic momentum influences transfer outcomes among different racial and ethnic groups. Research in Higher Education, (65),1461–1490.

McKinney, L., Burridge, A., Bourdeau, G.V., Lee, M., Miller-Waters, M., & Barnes, Y. (2024). “I Advise, You Decide”: How academic advisors shape community college students’ enrollment and credit load decisions. Review of Higher Education, 47(4), 519-547.

Burridge, A., McKinney, L., Bourdeau, G., Lee, M., & Barnes, Y. (2023). The power of one more course: How different first semester credit loads affect community college student persistence. Journal of Higher Education, 1-38.

Hernández, S.H., McKinney, L., Burridge, A, & O’Brien C. (2023). Transforming developmental education at community colleges through equity-minded leadership. New Directions for Community Colleges, 202, 89-103.

McKinney, L., Burridge, A., Lee, M., Bourdeau, G.V., & Miller-Waters, M. (2022). Incentivizing full-time enrollment at community colleges: What influences students’ decision to take more courses? Community College Review, 50(2),144-170.

Hernández, S.H., McKinney, L., Burridge, A, O’Brien C, & Burnett, C. (2022). Improving equity through corequisite support. Education Commission of the States and Strong Start to Finish.

Moreno, M., McKinney, L. Rangel, V., Burridge, A., & Carales, V. (2022, Online First). The impact of academic momentum on postsecondary matriculation among early college high school students. Community College Journal of Research & Practice.

Bourdeau, G.V., Barnes, Y., McKinney, L., Burridge, A. & Lee, M. (2022). Hidden costs: Understanding the financial implications of incentivizing full-time enrollment among community college students. Community College Journal of Research & Practice, 46(4), 284-287.

McKinney, L., Gross, J.P.K., Burridge, A., Inge, B, & Williams, A. (2021). Understanding loan default among community college students. Community College Review, 49(3), 314-342.

Ghazzawi, D., McKinney, L., Horn, C.L., Burridge, A., & Carales, V. (2021). Reconceptualizing student engagement: Investigating the validity of CCSSE benchmarks as indicators of international student engagement. Journal of International Students, 11(2), 436-458.

Yu, H., McKinney, L., & Carales, V. (2020). Do community college students benefit from Federal Work Study participation? Teachers College Record, 122(1), 1-36.

Donaldson, P., McKinney, L., Lee, M., Horn, C., Burridge, A., & Pino, D. (2020). Insider information: Advisors’ perspectives on the effectiveness of enhanced advising programs for community college students. NACADA Journal of the National Association of Academic Advising, 40(2), 35-48.

Ghazzawi, D., McKinney, L., Horn, C.L., Carales, V., & Burridge, A (2020). The road to the baccalaureate: Assessing the viability of community colleges as transfer pathways for international students. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 420-442.

Moreno, M., McKinney, L., Burridge, A., Rangel, V, & Carales, V. (2019). Access for whom? The impact of dual enrollment on college matriculation among underserved student populations in Texas. Community College Journal of Research & Practice, 45(4), 255-272.

Luna-Torres, M., McKinney, L., Burridge, A., Horn, C.L., & Jones, S.J. (2019). Financial aid packaging at community colleges: Which types of awards packages increase student persistence? Journal of Student Financial Aid, 49(1).

McKinney, L., Novak, H., Hagedorn, L.S., & Luna-Torres, M. (2019). Giving up on a course: An analysis of course dropping behaviors among community college students. Research in Higher Education, 60(2), 184-202.

Luna-Torres, M., Leafgreen, M., & McKinney, L. (2017). Leveraging guided pathways to improve financial aid design and delivery. Journal of Student Financial Aid, 47(2), 101-110.

Mukherjee, M., Luna-Torres, M., McKinney, L., Shefman, P., Wade, J., & Breed, R. (2017). Redesigning financial aid to better support community college borrowers. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 24(1), 27-41.

McKinney, L. & Hagedorn, L.S. (2017). Performance-based funding for community colleges: Are colleges disadvantaged by serving the most disadvantaged students? Journal of Higher Education, 88(2), 159-182.

McKinney, L., Backscheider Burridge, A., & Mukherjee, M. (2017). Occupational certificates: Examining student characteristics and enrollment outcomes across the public and for-profit sectors. Teachers College Record, 119(12).

Mukherjee, M., McKinney, L., Hagedorn, L.S., Purnamasari, A, & Martinez, F.S. (2017). Stretching every dollar: The impact of personal financial stress on the enrollment behaviors of working and non-working community college students. Community College Journal of Research & Practice, 41(9), 551-565.

Donaldson, P. & McKinney, L., Lee, M., & Pino, D. (2016). First-year community college students’ perceptions of and attitudes towards intrusive academic advising. NACADA Journal of the National Association of Academic Advising, 36(1), 30-42.

McKinney, L., Mukherjee, M., Wade, J., Shefman, P., & Breed, R. (2015). Community college students’ assessments of the costs and benefits of borrowing to finance higher education. Community College Review, 43(4), 329-354.

McKinney, L. & Backscheider-Burridge, A. (2015). Helping or hindering? The effects of loans on community college student persistence. Research in Higher Education, 56 (4), 299-324.

McKinney, L. & Novak, H. (2015). FAFSA filing among first-year college students: Who files on time, who doesn't, and why does it matter? Research in Higher Education, 56 (1), 1-28.

Rehak, P. & McKinney, L. (2015). Utilizing course evaluation data to improve student learning and success in developmental math courses. Community College Journal of Research & Practice, 39, 199-203.

McKinney, L., Scicchitano, M. & Johns, T. (2014). The community college baccalaureate: Implications for institutional policy and planning. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 21(2), 47-52.

McKinney, L., Gross, J. P. K., & Backscheider-Burridge, A. (2014). How community colleges can help prevent financial hardship among student borrowers. Community College Journal of Research & Practice, 38, 270-274.

McKinney, L., Roberts, T. & Shefman, P. (2013). Perspectives and experiences of financial aid counselors on community college students who borrow. Journal of Student Financial Aid, 43(1), 3-17.

McKinney, L. & Novak, H. (2013). The relationship between FAFSA filing and persistence among first-year community college students. Community College Review, 41(1), 63-85.

McKinney, L., Scicchitano, M. & Johns, T. (2013). A national survey of community college baccalaureate institutions. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 37, 54-63.

McKinney, L. & Roberts, T. (2012). The role of community college financial aid counselors in helping students understand and utilize financial aid. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 36(10), 761-774.

Novak, H. & McKinney, L. (2011). The consequences of leaving money on the table: Examining the persistence of first-year students who do not file a FAFSA. Journal of Student Financial Aid, 41(3), 5-23

McKinney, L. & Morris, P.A. (2010). Examining an evolution: A case study of organizational change accompanying the community college baccalaureate. Community College Review, 37(3), 187-208.

McKinney, L. (2010). Evaluability assessment: Laying the foundation for effective evaluation of a community college retention program. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 34(4), 299-317.

Morris, P.A. & McKinney, L. (2010). Benefits of the community college baccalaureate: Perspectives and reflections from college administrators in Florida. Journal of the New Comprehensive College, 2(1), 21-25.

Sadler, T.D., Burgin, S., McKinney, L., & Ponjuan, L. (2010). Learning science through research apprenticeships: A critical review of the literature. The Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(3), 235-256.

Sadler, T.D. & McKinney, L. (2010). Scientific research for undergraduate students: A review of the literature. Journal of College Science Teaching, 39(5), 43-49.

McKinney, L. (2009). An analysis of policy solutions to improve the efficiency and equity of Florida’s Bright Futures Scholarship Program. Florida Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 2(1), 85-101.



Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration (Concentration: Educational Policy), University of Florida, 2010