Dr. Carrie Cutler

Dr. Carrie S. Cutler


Title: Clinical Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum & Instruction

Program: Mathematics Education

Office Number: 308 FH

Phone: 713-743-0876

Email: cscutler@cougarnet.uh.edu

Website: https://www.carriecutler.com/

CV: My Vita


• Winner, 2020 University of Houston Teaching Excellence Award for Clinical/Instructional Faculty

• Co-creator of UHouston Math YouTube Channel Housing Three Act Tasks Created by Preservice
Teachers Elementary and Middle School Students

• Research and Publishing Interests: Early Childhood & Elementary Mathematics, Integrating Picture Books with Mathematics Instruction, Preschool STEM Learning


Recent Publications:

1. Zhang, A. & Cutler, C. S. (2024). An exploratory study of manipulative use in face-to-face, virtual, and hybrid early childhood teacher education mathematics methods courses. In B. M. Benken (Ed.), Reflection on Past, Present and Future: Paving the Way for the Future of Mathematics Teacher Education. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Professional Book Series, Volume 5. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

2. Zhang, A. & Cutler, C. S. (2024). Narrative inquiry of teacher educators’ self-directed professional learning spaces: Principles and practices for excellence. In B. M. Butler & J. K. Ritter (Eds.), How Teacher Educators Learn: Profiles in Teacher Educator Professional Learning. Information Age Publishing.

3. Cutler, C. S. & Zhang, A. (2024). Creating culturally relevant 3 act tasks. In D. Polly, E. Garin, & C. Martin, (Eds.), Clinically Based Teacher Education in Action: Cases from Mathematics Teacher Educators. Advances in Teacher Education Series. Information Age Publishing.

4. Cutler, C. & Johnson, A. (2022). Teacher tools to support calm, self-control, and resilience
in preschool. Dimensions of Early Childhood, 50(3), 14-29.

5. Cutler, C. (2022). Make picture books count: Easy ways to integrate math and reading.
Teaching Young Children, 15(3), 16-19.

6. Alarcon, J., Chauvot, J., Cutler, C. S., & Gronseth, S. L. (2021). An interdisciplinary approach to collaborative professional development for teacher educators: Number talks as culturally responsive online teaching. In K. Hollenbrands, R. Anderson, & K. Oliver, (Eds.), Online learning in mathematics education (pp. 115–129). Springer.

7. Cutler, C. S. & Johse, V. (2021). Differentiation through Small-Group Instruction and Learning Centers. The Banneker Banner

8. Cutler, C. S. & Skidmore, D. (2021). Creating an outdoor loose parts classroom: One preschool's quest for boundless STEM. Dimensions of Early Childhood, 49(3), 15-20.

9. Cutler, C. S. (2020). Math-Positive mindsets: Growing a child's mind without losing yours. Math Solutions.

10. Cutler, C. S. (2020). Preservice Teachers’ Mathematical Mindsets During Pandemic-Induced Pivot to Online Learning. Frontiers in Education, 13 November 2020

11. Cutler, C. S. (2018). Get the picture: Connecting young children to mathematics through books. In E. E. Monroe & T. A. Young, (Eds.), Developing Students' Mathematical Understanding with Children's Literature (pp. 169-202). National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.



B.S. in Elementary Education, Utah State University, 1995
M.A. in Teaching and Learning, Brigham Young University, 1999
Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Houston, 2006